Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Social Security Resolution 2007 MSAC

WHEREAS: The receipt of Social Security funds is a right for elderly and/or disabled workers in the United States of America as it is throughout the industrial world; and
WHEREAS: Social Security is now immediately financially threathened but its future is clouded and further threatened by dangerous proposals, and
WHEREAS: The purchasing power of Social Security recipients contributes significantly to the financial of the country.
THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED: MSAC will oppose privatation because Social Security would be completely destroyed thereby. If privatized, there would be neither security nor social support and the cost of privatation would raise havoc with furure sovency:and
RESOLVED That for Socials Security to survive, all corporations(both domestic and foreign) doing business in the United States must contribute to the funding of Social Security. The amount should be based either on the salaries and the number of past and present employees, or on the Corporation's income in the United States, whichever is higher: and
RESOLVED: that all worked in the United States should be subject to Social Security witholding and that the amount of income subject to withholding be capped at $150,000 per worker instead of the current $90,000

Support for Veterans

WHEREAS: Deployment in a War Zone can exact a unique toll on not only those in imminent danger but also on their loved ones back home;and
WHEREAS: There are mental, emotional, spiritual challenges facing veterans and families, before, during and after deployment; and
WHEREAS: Veterans, veterans groups, and many cocerned citizens, over time, have aggressively contacted the legislators to pass favorable veterans bills in appreciation for service to their country, and the Veterans Admiistration to carry out their mission to serve these veterans in time of need; and
Whereas: Veterans have received mixed and sometimes flawed services, and some have "fallen though the cracks"
THEREFOR BE IT REOLVED That Mass Senior Action urge the Aministration, legislators, public officials and all citizens enjoying their freedom to create a safe, unconditional, supportative environment for veterans and families, and insure resourses are made readily available so that currently serving troops do not face the same obstacles to services as veterans in the past.